Office of the 注册商

Mission Statement

The Office of the 注册商 maintains an accurate academic record for each student who enrolls at South Dakota School of Mines & 技术 while preserving the privacy of those records and executing the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA). Our specific duties include but are not limited to:

  • maintaining accurate and secure records of all students and issuing transcripts and verifications of student records;
  • conducting registration;
  • preparing and publishing online the schedule of classes and the University Catalog;
  • administering academic policy;
  • awarding and posting degrees;
  • determining student eligibility for NCAA athletic participation, Veteran’s educational benefits, and residency status for tuition purposes;

We support student enrollment, 保留, and graduation by empowering students, 教师, and staff while also serving our alumni and community constituents. We further accomplish this by adhering to University as well as South Dakota Board of Regent policy and procedures. 

    Office of the 注册商

    O'Harra Building, Room 201


    7:30 am to 4:30 pm
    7:30 am to 4:00 pm
    Phone: (605) 394-2400

    注册商's Office
    Email the 注册商


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