Graduate Education


Graduate programs at South Dakota 矿山 reflect our commitment to leadership in science and engineering. We are well-known in academic and industry circles for quality education and outstanding return on investment.

  • Professional course-work only and online options
  • Cutting edge research
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Support for commercialization and startups
  • 97% graduate placement
  • Regional career fairs

A graduate degree from South Dakota 矿山 can benefit you and your career.

Learn more about 矿山 and the 黑色的 山


Graduate Education Office
South Dakota 矿山
Attention: Graduate Education 
501 East St. 圣约瑟.
快速 城市, SD 57701-3995

(605) 355-3468
Graduate Education

How to 应用

Contact the program coordinator of the program you are interested in, and then apply online.

Grad Ed 应用 ButtonGrad Ed Request 信息 Button